Friday, June 24, 2011

Updates and Requests

Working on wrapping up writing the sex scenes for the incubus today.  I wanted to have four total rape scenes available to choose from depending on endowments, but I'm burning out, so one is unfinished.   If any aspiring and particularly anal-focused writers want to take a stab at it, the scene would be this:

-The incubus is defeated and starts out dropped to his knees due to lust/wounds.  He wears mechanics overalls with a large hole in the crotch through which his foot-long member hangs.  He can adjust the size/shape of his member at will.
-The rape scene is mainly for genderless individuals or those who really like stuff in the butt.  Basically the player forces down the incubus and takes the incubus' dick up their ass.   Beyond that the event is up to you, but it should accommodate any gender.
-Please send to so I can start sending it through my potential editors.

Editor Updates:
I sent off a scene to the first six applicants in my 'good' pile.  I think I'm still waiting on responses from a few, but from what I've seen I have two people I am going to give a try.   If you didn't get selected, apologies.  Those of you who have written before for me and applied, I've held back from selecting you because I don't want you burning out on this stuff, I'd rather have you continue to make the game better.



  1. wondered if there was a place were i could post any ideas that u could use in ur game , atm i got a few but they really just come to me when i play ur epic game like u could add a item box or a book on how to make stuff at the item shop so when u use it u can store ur items so when u start getting a full inventory u dont have to waste them and u can use them later on ,and in that book theres other things u can make like if u add the fairy maybe a cage or somthing u can trap her in to take back to ur camp as a new masturbation toy :3

  2. 0.2.4b4 was good, but after following your posts about what your currently doing, well frankly I want More! looking forward to the factory, wieldable items, something to boost speed other than the succubus pot, a kennel encounter, tentacle pregnancies, demonic pregnancies, plant pregnancies, a milking parlor ar Whitney's...ok, ill stop, but this is one of my favorite games to play, and its only getting better. Wonderful job so far and looking forward to more. PS if you still need editors im intrested - Rosivok

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I was wondering if you were ever planning on any nonvoluntary transformations? Seems like with the exception of the sand witch, everything requires you to chug potions.

    Additionally, is anything ever going to be added to the oasis or slime events? The encounters are fine, but there's no items or secondary events tied to any of them like there are for all the other enemy encounters.
