Friday, June 3, 2011

0.2.4b Release & AlertPay

Firstly, new 'donate' button thanks to some quick google-fu.  It uses the same process it did before - directing you to my InkBunny donate page where you specify the amount, then over to AlertPay.  Given that InkBunny has these options pre-configured it should help protect me from any strange ToS violations that I could be surprised with.  I can verify it works fine - I do have money in my alertpay account that I've received this way.

Now, I just a quick bug-fix build to address a few things.

-Debug is back to off by default.
-Being pregnant with oviposition elixer should no longer break the appearance screen.
-Slime monster should take virginities and stretch cunts as appropriate.

Have some preggers I snagged off /d/.   

Also, if I ever post uncredited art that you know the source of, please let me know so that I can hot-link it to the creator's website. 

<3 Fenfen


  1. Nice stuff. Nice to see such a fast turnaround on bugs with the ovi elixir. Just a shame us males still can't enjoy getting a bit of eggy in em :P

  2. Thanks Fen, good to see an awesome fix that quick.

    You Rock! Can we get more pervy art and polls in your posts? That will be something easy and quick for you, and the polls will be helpful in getting you more info about things you could add.

  3. I just found that and I thought about your cute farmer. I'm pondering why... *giggles*

  4. @Sibyllina Luna - I totally fixed it.
    @Nightshade/Shrimpy - I do my best to please.

  5. Hey Fenoxo! Great work you're doing here!

    Just one question and I'll leave you alone;
    When are we going to see "Implement spells" on your to-do list?

    Keep up the good work man;)

  6. Oooh, I want to see "Harden" as a spell vs. male opponents, or, to be able to self-cast it against yourself, raising your lust by 15-20 points.

  7. Artist for the image you posted is here:

    Name is sirotaka, I believe.
