Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ads Gone

They seemed shady and I only made like $0.98 so it wasn't worth the cost of potentially giving you all malware.   In it's place I'll just put up an advertisement of my own, and I may throw up banner ads of my own for sites/companies I like in the meantime to support them.

I'll do a stream @ approx 10CST for a little while to sort through some submitted sex scenes and maybe code one or two in, then release a small update with a few bug-fixes.   I'm battling a major case of writer's block, so apologies if I wander off, sleep, or play crisis for the last bit.  Also I haven't touched alcohol in about a week now.  Next up: Caffeine.


0.2.4b4 should be on the sidebar (if it isn't give me a few minutes!):
*Capped Gore damage @ 35 for normal hits and 70 for crits.
*Removed automatic mention of tattered scrolls from sand-witch whether she dropped them or not.
*Recoded nippleDescript() to reference nippleCunts more.
*Fixed a bug in winning against the demon pack that would set your lust to a very high value.
*Fixed cerulean potion so you stop thinking Giacomo has cheated you after experiencing one first-hand.
*Bee-girl has two new multicock rape scenes.


  1. If you want to remove caffeine don;t go too fast. I got headaches myself and that is a rotten surprise.

    Looking forward to donating on payday this week, this project is too bizarre not to support.

  2. thank for update I been looking to your new CoC

  3. how do i get tentacle dick? i can see it in changelog, but can figure how to get it ingame

  4. Thasnk you so much for this game - you are great!

    little note - just a question - does the bee-girl honey have any possiblity of changing your sex?

  5. Is it a bug the cerulean potion disappears the moment you become something more than plain man? Kinda want the encounter with herm and possibly even female chararacters too.

    Actually I haven't tested that since ~v0.2.3 or so, so I dunno if it has changed since.

  6. To Pervy Mike:

    You aquire the tentacle effect by interacting with the vines when you come across the flowers, vines and "boob" plants in the forest area. A little warning though; I could not achieve the effect without my hair turning green. I tried for literally an hour and couldn't avoid it. So if you have a hair color that you can't achieve through a item or event, then you'll lose that color for good. The vine also has a chance of making your hips and/or butt larger.

  7. -And she begins to climax rapily once she's started
    +Should be rapidly

    -I can't help feeling that the Bee DP scene should have a mention of you watermelon sized balls jizz production. Maybe(e) it's just me, though.

    The new scenes are fucking HOT.

  8. -You struggle briefly with it, wrestling to keep it from pushing the whole way into your gut, swooning with the pleasure that fighting with your own cock induces. one of your huge, bloated cunt-nipples.

    +I'm not really sure what the text is supposed to say "one of your huge, bloated cunt-nipples." seems to indicate something is missing.

  9. It's missing a transition between sucking yourself and shoving it into a nipple. Next time please include the whole masturbation text as it will make it easier to make sure I'm fixing it 100%, but for right now I think Ive corrected that specific instance.

  10. this might be a stupid suggestion, but when making a character i think it would be cool to choose personalities. like shy, slut, bad temper...some descriptions would have to be changed to fit the personalities, but i dont expect this to happen.

  11. @slashwit6: I'm afraid I'd have to disagree. One of the reasons why CoC works is because it's extremely vague about such things, letting you fill in the details. Things like the "comfortable clothing" make it easy to personalize the game in your mind. Is that a tunic and sandals? Frock-coat and breeches? Choli and pantaloons? You get to set the trappings how you want them.

    And it's easy enough to decide your character has such-and-such a personality and then pick their attribute modifiers and actions accordingly. An official, in-game label wouldn't offer any significant improvement.

  12. Stupid cunt-nipples....

    React to situations based on libido?

    I don't know what I'm doing.
