Wednesday, June 8, 2011

[STREAMING @ 8P Central!] Fallout:NV

Played a bit of Fallout: NV instead of getting things done.

-Just fixed a bug that incorrectly displayed slot 4 when quicksaving to slot5.
-And then I was lazy.  Sorry :/

EDIT:  shitty morning, so I streamed a bit more NV.
EDIT2: I got Fallout new vegas in my blooooood.  Playing again this morning instead of being productive.
EDIT3: Sorry I forgot to remove the link when i was done.  I'M STREAMING MORE FALLOUT (Got a big backlog and needing a bit of a break from the frenzied CoC updates we've had as well as my personal fallout!)
EDIT4: Sorry I forgot mention when I was done.  I've been a bit lax in keeping up these past few days.


  1. I have a question. when do you think you'll get to the spells? I seen the button for it. just curious. been a fan since the beginning =]

  2. I've been looking at the source code and I'm not liking what I see. Would you like me to work on your actionscript? I'd be willing to revamp it and implement a proper API of sorts to let you easily extend the code.

    Also, NV for console or PC?

  3. Naww, I could have watched some FallOut >.<

  4. @assmansexy I have been wonding that my slife

  5. @Uchiharules - I don't have any interest in overhauling the engine, I already did that once when I switched from UTG to CoC.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. hey i just found out about ur game a couple days ago. i love it and am looking forward to new content :) is their going to be quests or a some what of a story in this game???

  8. Hey, I'm gonna jump on the band wagon and ask for spells as well. Are they in development? Do you accept suggestions?

  9. @ Ted & Olivia : Spells will come later. They are planned but you can see the "to do" list. It will come a lot later. There are many things to finish before. ;)
    For the quests or story, I think I heard once Fenoxo speaking about that but it's like the spells : maybe later.

    So, be patient ! :)

    And yes, he accepts suggestions but he doesn't answer to all of them. I did put some of mines here.

  10. Yeah It's me again, I clicked on your add ( to give you some cash, and it asks me to install some sort of software to be able to access the site.

    I know you've been looking for "sponsors" for quite some time now, but this is guaranteed some sort of a virus.

    It's very, [b]very[/b] understandable that you would want some sort of revenue for all your hard work, and you've totally earned it, but if people get viruses from sites associated with your blog, you're going to get a very bad reputation indeed.

    The way I see it, there's two solutions to this, and they are very simple:

    One, you leave a warning saying that we shouldn't download the prompted software, but still click on the add to give you revenue.

    Or two, simply remove the add (this would be the least preferable option in your case I guess), and try to find a new one.

  11. To the people asking about the code. To be frank and honest you are both coming off as ridiculously rude to Fen. It is his game, and he already stated he wants no help in re-coding the engine.

    He can code it however he likes, particularly since he is the one that has to work in it. He understands how it is now, and he likes it that way.

    Back off already.

  12. Firstly: deleted comment contained my real name, which has slipped rarely on the stream, but isn't something I want floating about the interwebs.

    Secondly: if you are looking at CoC code with a decompiler, I don't care what you think of it. I'm going to spend weeks recoding it. Honestly I spend way more time trying to write this stuff than I do actually mocking about the code. I haven't released CoC's code for just this reason - I could tired of everyone else wanting me to decode systems to their liking. I'm far from a professional coder and this is a hobby for me. The quickest way to kill my interest would be spending twenty to thirty hours implementing some .xml event system or other craziness.

    The terrible code for unnamed text game is available in the sidebar if anyone wants to see how badly this started. If you think I'm doing a sub-par job, I invite - no, beg - you to do a better job. The world could use more text games.

    Lastly: @olivia - I kind of expect most porn advertisers to be suspect...I'm not sire what I'm going to do with this one for now, I've only made like $0.50 so far. I'm thinking of taking bitcoin donations, but I need to look into it.

  13. Sorry to hear you had a rough morning. Here's hoping things are already looking up.

  14. @uchiharules - I checked the code from the deleted segment you posted. Obviously your decompiler is mangling things up a bit, because it should look like this:

    if(lustDelta >= 10 && lustDelta < 15) outputText("\r" + monster.capitalA + monster.short + " openly strokes " + monster.pronoun2 + "self as " + monster.pronoun1 + " watches you.", false);

    Copy/pasted directly from relevant source code.

  15. Nobody can resist the call of New Vegas.

    Got the add-ons?

  16. Also, will there ever be anything else to do to the demon pack? I killed them all *somehow* And just got a basic reward. No taking one of them back to be my slave or anything. :( Just gems.

  17. Well, my decompiler is kinda funky then. In unrelated news, I now know your windows username!

    Fenoxo, I have a degree in computer programming, likely you do too, and I have a lot of experience in A/S. If I may, I would like the opportunity to redevelop it. You may not feel that it is necessary, but I have the expertise required if you want it. This would enable you to focus on content.

    Lastly, I've seen the code to NIMIN. I've played nimin.. extensively. :-D

    I think I could make them compatible so that both games could be combined into one, using multiple source scripts to let you work on the beyond while xadera can work on nimin's unique content, and both leverage a core API designed by me. That's honestly the only reason I would suggest this.

  18. And if not, you can always compete against him pettily.

    Furry version! Furry version!

    -sorry, I'm an instigator.

  19. Uchiharules, you do know your coming off as extremely creepy with the windows username stuff, right?

  20. Also, I'll have to second Fen on that one : less critiquing, more making one of your own.
    More games = better.

    On a different note, reading this in the next release log : "*Fixed a bug in winning against the demon pack that would set your lust to a very high value."
    For the record, the same thing also happens when you beat the bee-girl.

  21. ^bee-girl i can understand about high lust since you can smell the honey from her but demons no

  22. Fen, I think most of us programming hobbyists must drive those who actually learned the "correct way" nuts :p

    Like you said, too bad...they can program their own text games if they would like.

  23. yes NV is awesome-_- it took me a while to get clean from it unless your playing from the PC and not xbox thats a differnt story

  24. All the best coders I know learned on their own. Where the formal stuff really comes into play is datastructures and knowing the extra-clever algorithms that are helpful for very specific occasions. Where the "professional" stuff becomes useful is if you're programming something that'll be worked on by other people.

    Anyway - whomever wants to write their own adventure where it's relatively easy to plug in others' events and craziness will probably get plenty of attention and adulation from the community. I would heartily encourage people to do so.

    In the meantime, I laud fenoxo, tacoking, xadera, et al for writing stuff that they've actually released. (and is hawt.)
