Thursday, June 2, 2011

Personal Garbage

I just found some disturbing information. The long and short of it is: I'm going to be single again in two months. Shit sucks, and while I've been making plans to get out if things go sour, I certainly wasn't expecting it to happen this soon. I'll certainly continue to work on CoC, but development time may suffer somewhat for the reasons below.

That gives me two months to get some bankroll saved up for a new apartment and a car to get me to and froom my job. Which means no more taking off early, no eating out, no drinking, and me working my ass off to sell as much unneeded crap as possible on craigslist. I'll also probably start pimping my alert pay for donations and trying to get a new paypal setup.

I also intend to spend the two months working my ass off physically and get back to my physical peak. I don't intend to be single for long :3

I hate this kind of garbage.


  1. Good luck Fen, I'd donate you money, but sadly I'm allmost bankrupt.

  2. Well, Shit, Fen. I'm sorry to hear that, but on the plus side, more regular sex, in more positions! Keep your chin up, man. We're here for you.

  3. It's probably for the best Fen to get yourself out of a relationship you are not happy in, but I hope everything works out well for you.
    Good luck Fen.

  4. I'm sorry to hear that man :(
