Sunday, June 19, 2011

I Need Editors [LIES, ITS OVER!]

I'd like to get two editors to run submissions through to make sure things are in decent shape before I copy/paste someone else's typos into my game.   The idea is like this:

1. Some guy sends me a terrible idea.
2. Editor #1 reads it and tells me it's garbage.
3. Some other guy sends me a not-so-terrible idea.
4. Editor 1 reads and tweaks grammer/typos, sends to editor 2.
5. Editor 2 reads and lists any concerns or additional grammer/typo issues and sends it back to me to make the final call on.
6. You get porn.  YEEEAAAAAAAHHH.

I only want two editors tops, and I need them to have the following desires/qualifications:
-Desire to stick with the project for some time, and track record of seeing things through to completion.
-Skills at proof-reading.
-Skills at following branching logic directions and noting any flaws/gaps that could arise when placed into code.
-Ability to do this on a regular basis without more than a few days turnaround time.

If you'd like to apply to help out, just shoot an email over to my email address (available in the sidebar!)

-Fenoxo Fenfen

There are 45 applications in my inbox (unread).  I think I paged through about 15 before I fell behind.  I'll try to sort through the remained tomorrow.  It is going to be very hard to choose two, so what I'll have to do is just sort them into 'wheat' and 'chaff' piles, then choose two at random (or who strike my fancy).  Fret not - if/when the first two flake out or don't meet my expectations, I'll move on to some more of you guys.

Yesterday I managed to get 1000 words of player on incubus rape written.  Nothing done tonight.  Meh.  I've got 2-3 submitted events I'd like to code this weekend but I'm gonna be busy so we will see.


  1. Wish I could help, but I'm not that good with coding or punctuation. I do have alot of free time though, and could read through alot of the submissions sorting out good and bad.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good with proofreading, no good with coding. Learning how to do that at the moment though. I can fix typos, misspelled words, fix grammar issues before they are coded though.

  4. Just a bug... after trying to run from the worms, and failing, i somehow was put in a fight with an imp?

  5. I'm up for giving it a try. I'm an English Lit major, and I've got some experience with coding and logic. Hit me up in an email if you want some help. I've got sample work on HentaiFoundry under the username DarkAngelRising, and a bit on Fetlife as Nokteronoth, if you wish to see some.


  6. Though I could share official credentials, I prefer to stay rather anonymous, or rather as anonymous as the internet allows.
    I'm a bit of what some might call a 'Grammar Nazi', and I'm more than a tad obsessive. I'd be willing to be an editor, if you would have me on your team, as it were, and if you're interested, send me an email at;

  7. Unfortunately, I'm not here to offer my services. I keep having an issue with the worms. Even with the most recent version downloaded, I can't get past the first... Three events. The scene where you can choose "Aroused/Grossed Out/Who Cares", then seeing but not fighting or being raped by the worms twice after. 'Tis disappointing. Am I not triggering something correctly? I usually choose the Aroused option, but I've tried all three if that helps.

  8. Well Leon You need to be male or herm to trigger it, But still, it will sometimes pass you by.

    Also im no use to you there fen fen

  9. Oh. Figures that'd be my mistake. Thanks.

  10. how do I download this game I have played it and its good and everything.

    Also here are some ideas, why not add more monsters to the game like we can return the fairies and the birds and maybe add an alligator a lion or even a elephant am just throwing some stuff out there also a potion to return to human form might be good so we can do various other ideas.

    Also I think its about time we add more lands besides mountains, lakes, deserts, and forests. why not a town and add some more items in the market am just saying this since its a very good game I don't read much and I hate reading but I do enjoy this so keep up the outstanding work.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Well, I feel I'm pretty well qualified to "edit" for you. I am not very judgemental when it comes to submissions, and I know their from there and they're, unlike 50% of people around the interwebs.
    I have plenty of free time, and this will make me feel useful. :>

    But do as you will. I suppose you know where to email me if you decide to.

    Label the subject "Caturday".

    I'd actually love to edit for my hero, Fenoxo. <3

  13. Eh, I suppose I should spam your email for a 1/50 chance of winning then.

  14. Were I you, Fenoxo, I would pit us all in an epic apocalyptic end-all editing battle to the death.

    Yes... there shall be impossible amounts of blood shed and an unfathomable number of keyboards ravaged. Our battleground shall be scarred for eternity to mark the decimation that takes place there, and serve as a reminder to future generations of the unimaginable feud that took place! Bards will sing of it with songs of war! The almighty clash shall inspire warlords to their own campaigns, petty by comparison, and all those who live and breath editing will revere that climactic day... The day the decision is made. The day only the destined - the chosen two - will survive...

    Or, you know, eeny-meeny-miney-moe. Whatever works.
