Thursday, June 2, 2011

Soon to hit 1 Million Hits...

You guys are awesome (insert audio clip from Jack Black in Kung-Fu Panda here).   I'll try and get the egg stuff released tonight, though it will probably be on the later side of things as I doubt I'll be home till 9.

Expect to see a stream linked here by 10p CST.

If for some reason my world implodes or I can't hold my tongue and touch off a massive shit-storm, I'm sorry and you all might have to wait a little bit.  But I'll try mightily.

<3 Fenfen


  1. i wonder how many of those hits are female?

  2. also maybe for a new event at whitney's farm you can have sec with her if you are part or full body

  3. Congrats !

    I might have found a bug. If you encounter the Imp with worms and feel Grossed out, the Mountain becomes empty completely, no Imps or Minotaur encounters remain there.

  4. Congrats on the soon to be million hits Fen! You've earned them with all of your hard work dude!

  5. If I had a penny for every hit...I'd have $10,000. With the stuff I have going on I'm going to push to monetize this site hard.

  6. Congrats on your million hits man. Can't wait for the update. (Egg laying is hot. *grin*)

  7. Dear Fenfen,

    Womyn can be stupid. I am sorry for your troubles and shall donate you monies when I have them again.



  8. hey greyfur had the same bug as you found out you have to turn off debug mode to actually run into the minotaurs forget where i found that out from but it was a forum somewhere hopefully it fixes your problem mate

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  11. congrats on the million views! i contributed to one of those!
