Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fenoxo's FurAffinity Picks of the Day

Since I'm working on the female to minotaur rape atm, I don't have much else to post, but here are some of the things I favorited off Fur Affinity today if you guys want to look at pronz.  Most of them are pretty furry, and you'll need a Fur Affinity account with the adult filter switched off to see them. - Straight - Herm + Light Lactation - Tentacles + Female - Gay but I love the big balls :D

Anyhoo hopefully I'll have the female case done tonight.

Update: Got the female rape scenario coded in.  Now to get the herm one...also I realize I don't have any rape texts for beating the sand-witch.  If anyone wants to write variants for those situations feel free to send them off to  I'll probably code them in this weekend when I go nuts porting in pre-written stuff like the Jojo masturbation texts and bad ends.


  1. Will there be a rape the fairy event for the forest when your corruption is high enough?

  2. hey fen there is a problem with the blog hears what happens.... when you click the link to the blob a pop up happens which sais
    Authentication Required
    The sever http://fenoxo/com:80 requires a username and password. The server says: access Restricted (pwrestrict).


    Login Cancel
    do you know a reason for this? can you fix it, ive noticed on your videos some people commenting about this problem so i know im not the only one, this happened 7/12/2013 if you can fix it we would greatly appreciate it.
