Monday, February 21, 2011

What do?

Last night:
-I started bug-testing fixing some of the things I added.
-And I wrote a few more status messages for the imp pregnancy because they felt too sparse.

-Fixed a lot of inventory related bugs/oddities.
-Fixed combat so that entering/leaving inventory or other submenus does not re-trigger any per-round status messages/affects.
-Fixed some pregnancy typos
-Fixed lots of Jojo formatting/text display bugs.

In a nutshell: I was hoping to be done with Jojo tonight but instead I got caught up doing lots of other little formatting bugs.  My weekend starts tomorrow night so maybe I can get a livestream rolling.

Also I crossed 100,000 hits.  What the fuck is that shit....

1 comment:

  1. Found out about this recently. Probably only like two weeks ago. Hands down this is the best text game I've ever played. Keep up the good work. :]
    Really looking forward to the finished product.
