Friday, February 4, 2011

Ram + Incubi Draft (done-ish)

I got my new RAM today, so the ol' PC is really chugging along now.  

To be more on topic, I just spent some time porting the last of the old Incubi Draft into the new engine.  I think my multiCock description function needs some tweaking lol:

"Your brace of horse length musky mixed cocks feel incredibly tight as inch after inch or length pour out from your groin.  Your pair of horse length flared mixed cocks are so long they nearly reach your knee when at full length."   (1 horsecock & 1 normal cock) LAWL.  I need to tweak down the adjectives a bit much.  I've decided to nerf Equinum a bit, it won't grow hooves or transform you to a centaur anymore.  You'll have to get the minotaur item to get hooves, and only then will equinum turn you to a centaur.  This is an improvement for two reasons:

  1. Farming the same item is boring as shit.
  2. I like to make you guys (gals? Do gals play this?) work.

You stay classy,  Internet. 


  1. "Your brace of horse length musky mixed cocks feel incredibly tight as inch after inch or length pour out from your groin."

    Shouldn't that read, "inch after inch of length"?

  2. Interesting...Alright, now I'm really eager to try this out.

  3. Ya we girls play well atleas i do :>

  4. Pshh I play... I be a girl.

    Though I am a recent follower. ~.*

  5. Farming the same item is indeed boring. But if a player is bound & determined to go for the TF that a particular item provides, they will farm that item, end of discussion. Perhaps you might want to tweak the item-dropping code to accommodate that behavior? Like, say, every item starts out with the same chance of being dropped; whenever Item X is picked up, increase its chance of being dropped; whenever Item X is not picked up, decrease its chance of being dropped.

  6. In addition to those girls, you should know already that DaisyStrike has played. She linked your blog, she helped you with saving...

  7. I know daisystrike helped me with the save code, there's a blog post all about it. I never inquired into her actual gender though, I operate on the assumption that most I encounter on the net are male.

  8. I like the idea if combining items for advanced effects, it adds a bit of complexity to the game and it allows you to control unwanted effects. Like if you wanted a hose cock but didn't want to be a full centaur.
