Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Streamin again [ITS OVER]

Got a good bit of minotaurs done and started on the minotaur transformation item.

I still need to write the rape text and the texts for mino transformations, that'll be my job tomorrow :D


  1. I'm honestly curious, how you have time to do all this?

  2. Hey, we're all fat, pasty, greasy men who live in a basement and make money off of google ads so that we don't have to leave the house. If you'd just stop spending so much time playing with your animes, maybe you would discover how much free time you actually have.

    Also, I feel special.

  3. Lolwhut? Really I don't spent much more than a few hours on this on any given day. Honestly I just spend a lot less time gaming than I used to. During the week I'm lucky to put two hours into the game on a given night.
