Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Working on Stuff

ITS OVER.  Progress:

-Tweaked Kelt's archery values so they raise a bit quicker (and actually go up).
-Balanced the rate submission climbs for kelt a bit.
-Buffed the Bee Sting attack players can get (requires less stored venom to use, both the lust and paralization effects are better).
-Small marble tweaks.
-Hooves from Minotaur Blood are wayyyy easier to get.
-If you can keep from getting fucked in the vagina/butt they will regain tightness over time.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wait, so HOW do we use the Bow anyways since it's in Key Items and not a usuable weapon like the other weapons? And how do we also know if the Archery/Addiction/Submissive are going up/down when we can't even SEE them, like we do with the other status stats?

    When are we actually going to master the bow from Kelt, so it can be taken out of Key Items and be equipped like the other weapons? *lol*

    hey Fen. I know the submissions are closed for now, but I'm currently working on a bad end for the Desert Tribe scene, if you ever want to see it.

    Which HOPEFULLY won't take to long to code into the game if you decide to use it when what I'm writing is completed by the time submissions is back up. It's probably going to be less than 1-2 pages long...

  3. To use the bow you click specials and it should be to the very left.

  4. Is there a way to stop the centauress bad end? Or isn't there a scene for if your character is still 100% HUMAN when they get the bad end with Kelt yet? I'm just asking because it seems wierd that even tough my character was still human when the bad end scene came up, the dialogue in the bad end says my characters now a centauress instead of still a human when the new hero arrives.

  5. Kelt probably transformed him/her/it.

  6. Rika, it looks like that's the only text written for that end. I've played through it a couple of times and it's the only one that comes up. It's a good bit though.

  7. hai, i want to ask something.
    before, i played woman heroine and deliberately make myself as kelt's fucktoy and breeding factory, that was hot, i came while playing it.

    but then when i play as male hero, despite having 20 inches equine cock, i still getting same ending as kelt's fucktoy.

    does male and female have same ending? or bug?

    thank you for this game.

  8. ahh, I was wondering what happened with the archery skill. This last build I tried training right up to the last moment before becoming kelt's toy, but it never seemed to make a difference in the actual effectiveness of the bow attack during monster encounters.

    I also discovered that the large axe Does properly become de-equipped after shrinking below the lower limit with imp food. It just waits till you are back at camp and have to masturbate before actually de-equipping.

    Thanks for changing the hoof feet morph. Making a female centaur took me several hours to do today due to having jump through the hoops of egg laying/succubus milk. The full process seemed a bit excessive for the female centaur final product.
