Monday, August 29, 2011

Stream and Bugfix Coming Tonight

I got some nice donations so I tried (and failed) to get off early from work today to stream.  Never fear, I will endeavor to earn your monies.  I'd like to raise around $500 total by the end of the month to help get bills caught up and pay off any loans I might need to make in the interim (It takes 14 days for the cash I get in donations to make it's way to my bank account, so I'll be borrowing money if I can't make rent).  So I am going to be working hard, coding, writing, and working with every spare moment I have.  And if anyone has any experience with adult payment site processors and the systems necessary to set up a pay site, I'd like to chat with you - if I'm ever going to write/code games like this full time I need to get this stuff figured out.

I figure on a stream tonight to clean up some marble bugs, then a release of that tweaked build.  Also I hope to work some more on Kelt (another user submitted event for the farm involving a male centaur).  Last night, rather than going to bed I re-wrote some stuff for my planned farm update, so I might start layering that in after as well to really start tying it together.

EDIT: Stream Complete.

Bugfix Release 1 for Marble [DONE]:
  • Various fixes to the logic in Marble's events.

  • Fixed a few holes where withdrawl and/or marble's milk were not being properly applied/removed.

Kelt Progress:

  • 90% Coded.  Bad ends and pregnancy not coded yet as they were flagged as 'unfinished'.  I might still work a bad end or two in though.

  • Planning a release tomorrow if I can get off work to do some event linking & testing in the afternoon, then do a public test stream and release in the evening.

  • I'm working hard because you guys are jawsome!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. can you if you didnt already make it so you can still get her bottled milk after that um love(?) end to it

  3. Dang how did the Kelt the Centuar event get to be over 34 pages, out of the original 10 page contest entry? *lol* Hmm... I have a question. Since Marble seems to become a permant part of your team like Jojo, is there a way to make her pregnant if your a male or herm since we get to see more of her than JoJo out of masturbation? Or wean our characters off our addiction to her milk?

    Plus what's the penalty if we don't take her up on her offer of milking, once she joins us in our camp? will the withdrawl start getting worse the longer we stall until we get a bad ending? *lol*

  4. When fighting the demons in the desert I got this typo...

    You keep subconsciously moving your very loose vagina towards the nearest swinging cock.groin, before remember there is nothing there to caress.

  5. Drinking bottled milk already removed withdrawal effects, in fact if you've gotten completely addicted to her milk then it would be the only way to remove the effects of withdrawl since she doesn't give you anymore bottled milk once she's with you at the camp.

    Also getting your morning milk didn't remove the effects of withdrawal either.
