Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fail & Progress Report

Things I did today:
-Coded two ways to get rid of worms.
-Wrote about 2000 lines for a commission (No I'm not open for more, this was a special case).  It won't show up in CoC, though I'll pimp it pretty hard once it gets finished and coded into place.  I'm about 1/2 done with it for now.
-Sent my first files to my new second editor.  When I'm busy/behind like I currently am I think I'll just split the workload between them, rather than having them do the file in series.

Other stuff I don't think I've talked about:
-Perk descs got done.
-Couple new scenes are in.
-I have an imp night-ambush gangbang that showed up in my inbox to code as well, somehow I'm still falling further behind :P
-Still waiting on 26 page submission to come back from editor 1.
-There is an event at the lake if you're pregnant with oviposition elixer that lets you choose your egg color.  This is live in the latest release of the game.  

Also I'd like to apologize for promising a stream, then bailing within the first 10 minutes a few nights back, but when the old lady comes in wanting sex, it takes precedence.


  1. Might I suggest that the flowers in the corrupt grove also clear out worms?

  2. Incidentally, having been gone for the weekend did not help me get that 26-page submission done any faster. Though, you won't be waiting for it anymore if you check your inbox, FEN. XP

  3. Found the lake scene very helpful. Couldn't get the color i wanted before with large eggs.
    Now i can't get the scene when i want.

  4. I could also volunteer as an editor, since I'm basically already doing that anyway with as many typos as I report.

  5. Is that actually uploaded yet? It appears to still be 0.3.1b3.

  6. How about a new transformation, that turns the character fully plant, instead of turning hair green or cock, if you have them, into tentacles? *lol*

    But I have a question. In between the whole 26 page cowgirl submission, and newest 2000 lines of something else, how's the Kelt the Centaur contest submission coming? I'm dying to play against him...

  7. I too am dying for kelt to meat me...I mean meet me.

  8. Typo in new lake event: "You lean over cautiously, and leap back as the flash free of the lake's liquid without making a splash." - I think 'the' may have been suppose to be 'they', also, I think 'or disturbing the water' should be appended to that sentence.

  9. Okay, just a few quick things:

    Firstly: The tentacle Game Over scene is broken, right around where it says you smell something acrid or acid or something it breaks off and plays the regular loss scene at the end of what seems to be the lead in to the game over.

    Secondly: Is there any follow up to the attempt to grab Marae's boobs? I've tried everything I can come up with and it seems like a dead end, and being able to seduce Marae seems like it'd be cool.

    Thirdly: Again with Marae and her being somewhat particular is there any chance that an alternative way to get her "corrupt blessings" could be had without having to fail at getting the Lethicite? Because failing at getting it is actually pretty hard since you basically have to intentionally tank your speed, leave it down, and rush the Factory before it creeps up to high to have a decent chance of failing so far as I can tell. I mean, her "blessings" are... Interesting, it's too bad they require like specialized runs to actually see the scenes for, you know?

    Otherwise, good work, it's clear a lot of effort has gone, and is going into this.

  10. I hope you'll make the magics actually usable one day, since now the button is just standing there.

  11. Okay, a couple bugs. One is that the Canine Pepper bad-end doesn't take into account the state of your legs. i.e. you can have Bee legs and still wonder how much more Dog-like you can become...

    Also, there's that Masturbation thing where it skips playing with my boobs. So far as I can tell, it's from having multi-boobs and extremely low (<10) corruption. If that doesn't do it, then I'll take a look at my save game for anything else that might be factoring into the problem.

  12. Oh, and I also find it annoying how, since there's no analog for Bee wings in any other transformation, they're impossible to get rid of. So I'd like either A: an alternate way of getting your corruption below 10 (Which is when Jojo stops showing up), or a way to remove the bee wings.

    It's still a great game, though, and I look forward to seeing it continue to grow! =^.^=

  13. Getting minotaur hooves is really hard, could you make it a higher chance?

  14. @hellerhound - Minotaur hooves aren't THAT hard, at least for me. You just have to be patient, for it to show up.

    Hey, I think I found a glitch in the game involving the Canine Peppers. We get warnings about when a part of our characters body turns canine, but we DON'T get a warning for when the legs become dog legs. The only we find out is if we hit the Appearance button, and find out from their that we are now sporting a pair of dog legs, even though the warning for THAT transformation didn't come up.

  15. Fenoxo, I just emailed you the last part of the imp-ambush gangbang (Scene 2, centaur-body variant). So you should have all of scene 1 (Bipeds & centaurs) and scene 2 now. Let me know if you need me to resend anything.

    And just for fun (And because you can dream up a lot of kinky shit when you're bored at work)... New Item: You have found a Feline Pin!

    A small cats-eye gem glitters on the end of what's obviously meant to be a piercing-pin. The gem itself is tiny, but the pin is made from a real cat's claw! There's a tag attached to the pin. You read the small print on the tag, and your eyes go wide in surprise. The tag claims that the Feline Pin grants cat-like grace and reflexes to its user, or wipes away what it calls "canine taint". The instructions say the pin can go in the earlobe... Or nipple... Or clit... Cockskin... Anywhere the bearer wants to drive a cat's claw through, really.

    Anti-Canine Effects (If user has any)
    - Removes one random canine mutation

    Random Effects (Cosmetic)
    - Cat tail
    - Cat ears
    - Cat fur
    - Cat eyes
    - Whiskers
    - Urge to find a paper bag and crawl in it

    Random Effects (Stats)
    - Bonus to Speed
    - Bonus to Run
    - Bonus to Evade
    - Bonus to Tease/Seduce
    - Precision Perk
    - Whirling ball of furry feline fury! ('Claw' attack in Special menu)
    - Bag to hide in! (Boosts HP recovery when you rest)

    (Feel 100% free to ignore this. I just thought it was fun.)

  16. @JCM - Oh! I want to play a cat transformation! I was wondering if that kind of transformation might ever make it to the game, and was considering trying my own hand at making a scene for it, if submissions hadn't closed.

    If it gets put into the game, what Land area do you 'find it' in?

  17. Nice little game you got there. Really my only complaint (besides unfinished features) is I think it's way too luck based. Not that it's alone in that aspect (though it one of the main inspirations for that rant).

    I am sort of half tempted to make my own naughty game. Probably I would want to make a roguelike instead of a text game though. Sort of like a fusion of this game and Elona. I wonder if any one would be interested in a game like that... eh I probably would never get around to it anyhow.

    Maybe I will look into writing a few events for CoC though. It sounds fun. Tell you the truth I would be more interested if new types of items and things could be submitted.

  18. @rika_star25: It's up to Fenoxo whether he wants to code it in or not. I just wrote that description up for the hell of it. I'd like to play a cat-morph, but I bet Fenoxo has lots of outstanding requests.

    Maybe I'll just write my own game. It can't take more than a day or two to learn to code. Right, Fen?

  19. JCM the quick answer is no.
    However the long answer is still no.

    Programming is like being a grammar nazi. You can get free software called IDE's that will look over your code and tell you when something wont compile and give you help coding but most for the most part your on your own.

  20. @JCM @BlueLight and every little typo can cause disaster.
    It's a perfectionist job. The computer does exactly what you tell it, to every little comma, period, and letter.

    Try starting with flash (no idea, pay-for stuff I can't use, or python (.org), inform (google), or even maybe c/c++(google).

  21. And just fo rthe heck of it, I like cat transforms too!

  22. That was a bad joke. A bitter, bitter joke, coming from a place of deep bitterness. I'm currently working for people who exemplify the "I know nothing about it so it must be easy" mindset. They have botched every conceivable aspect of their project's timeline. Thank God they can blame this upcoming trainwreck on a contracter.

    Oh wait. I'm the contracter.

    Back on topic (Sorta), if I were to try to design a game I'd probably start with Adrift ( Just to get a feel for basic game-layout and scene writing.

  23. hm...can you rape the omnibus?
    it would be awesome.
    plus a Whitney sex scene wound t be bad either.

  24. I'd like to see a cat-morph transform too, but I'd like to see magic added first. A different method and different benefits would probably be better though.

  25. So I was using the succubus milk while ungendered (no pussy or penis) and got: You pour the milk down your throat, chugging the stuff as fast as you can. You want more. You feel a strange sexual pleasure, but your Error: multiCockDescript() called with no penises present. remain unaffected.

  26. So...How exactly can I get rid of the worms. They are seriously annoying and I have no idea how to get rid of them.

  27. Howitzer, right now the only way to get rid of worms is to have no dicks at all.

  28. @thedarkmaster
    I saw the first word 'howitzer' and thought you meant a REAL HOWITZER, before reading the rest of the sentence. That startled me.

  29. Yes, hellerhound, the only way to get rid of the worms is to blow your own dick off with a howitzer cannon. lol

  30. Bug: Tentacle beast doesn't allow you to 'wait' while grappled.
