Friday, August 5, 2011


Knee-Jerk Bugfix 2:
-Fixed a few typos in cunt/ass stretching.
-Fixed anal virginity loss not reporting.
-Fixed speed and intelligence being in reverse order on the level up stat selection list.
-Fixed a few typos.
-Whitney's farm is now a bit easier to relocate to places (and a bit more clear when it does.)
-Minotaur double-dick scene should be a bit easier to encounter.


  1. When making myself a centaur and using the omnibus to remove any horns and horse ears I might have acquired in the process, sometimes the minotaur horns randomly come back later on. This has happened twice now.

  2. Fen, Can you add me to the credits for the Minotaur Urethra scene?

    And For whatever reason, I can't seem to fight the tentacle beast as a herm, it just goes straight to the old surrender text.

    Love the new scene for the incubus.

    I still can't seem to get the minotaur double-cock scene...

  3. One of your penises begins to feel pull down your clothes to take a look and see the skin of your meaty gigantic horse-prick darkening to a mottled brown and black pattern. You feel a tightness near the base where your skin seems to be bunching up. A sheath begins forming around your gigantic horsecock's root, tightening and pulling your stallion-prick inside its depths. The shaft suddenly explodes with movement, growing longer and developing a thick flared head leaking steady stream of animal-cum.

    It seems to give a horse cock transformation to a horse cock...

    I believe this is getting triggered by the demon cocks.

  4. Submitting to the bee and losing due to lust to the hellhound with a female character removes your anal virginity only about half the time. In one try I managed to give birth to the small bees and was still an anal virgin afterwards.

  5. @Nightshade - credits added. Horsedick thing fixed, not actually related to demondicks at all. It was old code from when cockDescript was ONLY used for generic descriptions, rather than shifting it to appropriate other descs. I'm forcing it back to default descs there now.

    @plkmjn - Haha I made assholes a bit 'stretchier' than vaginas and I may have taken it a bit to far. It'll force you to lose virginity 100% of the time now. (well in 0.3.1b3)

  6. Okay, feel like an idiot, but... how does one become a centaur? I thought I'd abused all the items, but I feel like I'm clearly... -missing- something.

  7. @Unknown fight the centaurs in the mountain and you can get centaur blood, drinking that I would assume does what your asking for.

  8. "You have one ass, placed between your squeezable ass-cheeks where it belongs."

    Ass-ception? :-P

  9. Its an ass within an ass within an ass...

  10. "Okay, feel like an idiot, but... how does one become a centaur? I thought I'd abused all the items, but I feel like I'm clearly... -missing- something."

    Use minotaur blood to get hooves, then equinum to change your lower body. If you accidentally get horns from the minotaur blood or horse ears from the equinum that you don't want the omnibus can be used to remover them. Like I said though, it's a bit bugged and sometimes the horns randomly come back so make sure to check your head before saving if you do that.

    "@Unknown fight the centaurs in the mountain and you can get centaur blood, drinking that I would assume does what your asking for."

    Are you high?

  11. God, raise the chance of getting hooves please...

    Centaur is almost impossible...

  12. hellerhound, you need to get several transformations before you can get the hooves. That said, it is very hard to become a centaur without using debug mode.

  13. @Unknown - Like David said, take as many Minotaur Bloods as you want, preferably with Toggle Debug turned on before you start the game, until you get the hooves. Then start taking the Equine potion until a message shows up saying that your lower half has transformed into a centaurs body. The centaur transformation ALWAYS works as soon as you get the hooves. Though even though after I get the hooves, I might still continue taking the Minotaur blood before I drink the Equine potion if the last dosages of M.B. didn't get me to the proper height needed for my character to use the Minotaur's Large Axe weapon, before the hooves showed up.

    Though when I take the Minotaur Blood/Equine Potion, I always save and reload the game if I get extra body parts (ex. mintaur/equine faces, etc. since they are hard to get rid of even if you take the sucubi/incubi potions) that I don't want, until I finally get what I DO want on my character. *lol* The Incubi/Succubi potions also work into getting a more humanoid appearance on you new centaur/minotaur character, but once again I save and reload every time the incubi/sucubi potions take away parts that I didn't want to lose, and start over from where I last saved.
