Monday, July 18, 2011

Slow Night

So as expected, the dungeon is full of bugs.  I just finished cleaning up a bunch:

0.3R2 Changelog:
  • Hellhound/Oviposition pregnancy mixmatch fixed.
  • Corrupt people can now find the dungeon after getting punted by Marae. 
  • You can no longer ignore the incubus once you enter his room (unless he has something to distract him.)
  • Genderless succubus loss no longer presumes you have a pussy. 
  • Genderless incubus rape no longer has you shooting off an imaginary penis. 
  • Tweaked combat victory/loss determining slightly to reduce the chances of triggering simultaneous losses or victories.
  • Many typos and small gender bits in dungeon sex scenes resolved.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Those look good so far.

    Here are some other issues:
    -Goddess rewarding ambition: "She extends a hand expectantly, watching with detached concentration while a tentacle lowers from the tree into her palm. A swift slash of her free hand cuts your comfortable clothes free, exposing your VAGINA ERROR." - I'm genderless, but it played the female one.
    -Since you can shut down the facility before fighting the incubus, you can somehow end up a fluid slave to the factory if you lose to him or give up to him; even if the factory has been permanently destroyed.
    -text still missing at the top of the last page in the 'lose to a demon' bad end for non-herms.

  3. Here's a new one: after drinking incubi - You feel a weight lifted from you, and realize your breasts have shrunk to little tits. With a quick measure, you determine they're now Error-Cup (breastSize Error Number: breastRows[rowNum].breastRatings.

  4. I found a gender bug but it's not for the dungeon.

    If your genderless but have beast and you go to the desert and find the pack of demons if you get raped or rape by/the demons the game thinks you have a crotch.

  5. New bug. So i put my gro+ in storage and the plus is now showing up as a box. It seems like a font error to me not that i know much about these things or fonts.

  6. i think i've spotted a bug while fighting with the Green Slime at the lake. even if your lust is at 100 you don't loose and the battle continues

  7. I encountered the same bug as Progste however it was with the sand witch.

  8. this isnt really a big bug to me but I thought I'd point it out. Any clit length gained from gro+ isn't taken into account in the tentacle monster encounter. I made a new character who now has a 16" clit but when I encounter the beast it says it swells up to over 4" which is what it says when you have a .2" one.

  9. @The dark master - I really haven't been able to find that period problem. Could I get a copypaste of the text you're getting for that bad-end with the floating period?

    Everything else posted thus far should be resolved for RC3.

  10. how do i find the dungeon if im corrupted?
    i just keep getting kicked out by marae

  11. @Clara
    After you get kicked by her just go to the mountain and you'll find the demon factory after a few exploration.
