Tuesday, July 12, 2011

OT: Apple's Customer Service

It has surprised me.  After some difficulty trying to get someone on a phone without having to pay first (I gave up on that), I just sent in my broken iPad2.  I sent it at 4PM on Thursday.  By Saturday morning they had a replacement in the mail with 1 day shipping.   Kudos Apple, you're a giant evil corporation that actually manages to have decent support.

Contest Winners:  The top three should be getting their prize in the email shortly, I just forwarded your email addresses to the guy with the prizes so give him a day or two to get them sent out to you.  If you have any problems with that feel free to give me a holler.  There is no ETA on if/when I will add the events to the game, but I will be leaving the link to the contest entries up.

CoC updates:  Nothing done last night, I was wayyy behind on sleep and crashed early.  I'm crushing a few small bugs this morning so hopefully I'll feel motivated to code some dungeon stuff tonight.  If not I do have some parts to write for the Omnibus and the mystery lake events that will accompany the dungeon.



  1. I don't remember the Mermaid or Parched was that in an early version?

  2. Those aren't in any version. Those are entries to a contest I may add into the game in time.

  3. Cool stuff. Thanks for hosting the contest, Fen, it was fun to write. I was really hopeful when at the start I was only like, 10 votes behind Ourakun, but honestly the better one won in the end.

  4. since i'm trying to improve my writing skills, it would be nice if some of you guys could write some advice/critique on my hf page (http://www.hentai-foundry.com/profile-bertsinger.php)
