Sunday, July 17, 2011

I Guess I Owe a Status Update

EDIT: Streaming Nau Small chance I might declare the dungeon fit for live-stream testing tonight.

So the event at the lake that supports the dungeon is kind of getting a lot longer than I originally intended, and is now five pages long.  I still have a bit of sex to write for it too.  Fun fact:  more bad-end opportunities there as well.  I've STILL got to code 3-4 items for the dungeon and wrap up this lake thing, and then I'll be good to bug-test and polish things a day or two and release.  Also, I've added diminishing returns to breast growth finally, so game breaking tits shouldn't happen unless you're working damned hard to get them.

Lastly, I have a talented artist working on paperdoll images for the 'with images' version of the game.  I'm thinking I may take a break from dungeon stuff to put together a 'CoC Character Viewer' people can import their characters from to see what kind of images it would give.  Right now its primary human/dog morphs that I can do, and it doesn't really have images to get too far into hyper (and I don't know if it will).

Now I'ma write, peace!

EDIT:  have a teaser image (not in-engine, but assembled from the parts I'll be using):


  1. Hm...wonder if you might add some sex scenes or rape scenes with whitney...

  2. Why are those C cups hanging to her bellybutton? O_o

  3. Because they are the third row. Bitch has tits everywhere.

  4. Maybe D tops, but still they shouldn't be anywhere near that low. It reminds me of that teacher from Southpark.

  5. Oh, heh. I forgot about the multiple rows thing. I'm a lot less grossed out now, haha.

  6. It's probably because the rest of the body isn't shaded, but the shadows on the breasts look really off, too dark compared to how it is on the dick.

  7. Fuck you naysayers! ALWAYS NAYSAYING!

    ..what we've got is pretty incomplete and untested. I'm sure as I actually put it together in flash and it gets played with we will have a chance to tweak and revise things like optional shading layers for different body parts :P

  8. Looking forward to your release :D. Think the games Great and will be following it closely in the weeks/months to come.

  9. Yeah it sounds like a cool feature. I just got confused by not being able to see the whole thing. When it's finished it'll probably be good.

  10. "Fuck you naysayers! ALWAYS NAYSAYING!" - Fenoxo

    Haters gonna hate.

  11. release so i can fap, my dick is ready


  13. Always with the negative waves...
