Friday, March 11, 2011

Nuttin' New

Last night = Dragon Age 2 (which blows away the original.  Way to go Bioware, just take all my monies.)
Tonight = Waiting in line for 3 hours at IPad II launch because Best Buy are assholes.


  1. Ah, I was very reluctant to buy Dragon Age 2.. wasn't really all that impressed withe the first one.. is number 2 really that much better?

  2. The combat feels a lot more solid to me so far, but I'm playing a 2H warrior this time as opposed to a mage. It's nice hitting a weaker enemy with a special attack and watching them explode!

  3. Funny, A mage is what I started out in the first game too XD they just seemed so much better than all the other classes to me.. though I suppose they were the most complex too, being able to mix spells to make new ones.

  4. I too have found it excellent so far. Despite what the #1 fanatics might say.

  5. Netbooks! They're for coding while waiting around!

    Just messing. :)

  6. Enjoy walking around the same cave for 15 hours, and no companion armor, and the dumbed down combat, and the stupid looking darkspawn.

  7. It is so much worse then the original.
    Dumbed down, silly combat, waves of enemies which makes tactics useless, worse characters, shitty dialog wheel.
    Anyhow, Ignorance is bliss. Enjoy.

  8. What phil said. Nowhere near as good as origins was.

  9. @Phil & @Mars Sorry to hear you guys disagree, but that's life I guess.

  10. I personally loved Dragon Age 2. The reused content is a little annoying, but above all, I play Bioware games for the story and characters, which I thought were fantastic as always.
    Merrill is by far my favorite though. (<333)
    I also like Fenris even though all his views are completely opposite of mine.

  11. @Dasutin so you like slavery huh?

  12. @Preston - slavery is great. If I didn't have a stable full of lactating women in my backyard where would I get milk for my Cheerios?

  13. i have been playing it quite a bit and hey i had over 20 characters on DAO and have enjoyed both of them quite well. I love merril two she just has that innocence and naivety that i find humorous. i love all the cameo's and references to the first game. I guess my only complaint is that remember in DAO that if you chose to learn blood mage skills you could use blood mage references in dialog well there is no more speciality related talks. I will say i love the new romance scenes as they seem much more individualized and all around i find the combat system far more fluid than the first game.

  14. @Preston
    No, I meant his views on mages and templars. He feels that all mages need to be locked up, and I think that they should be treated like normal people. The ones that do evil things can be locked up, just like normal people.
    Although I guess that's a little hypocritical because I'm a blood mage.

  15. There is a bug where if the Minotaur takes your anal virginity, the entire rape scen following it is in bold as well.

  16. You fall, defeated by the imp!The last thing you see before losing consciousness is the creature undoing it's crude loincloth to reveal a rather disproportionately sized member.

    +This scene occurs, but anal virginity remains intact?

  17. @Nightshade - mino bug should be fixed for next build.
    @2nd Nightshade - Good question, probably some mouthfucking ;)

  18. Heh, NICE.

    -Grinning in satisfaction, you bring your ridged shaft against her lips, and push slowly, gently...
    +should be rigid.

  19. He manhandles your tits as he does so, almost violently squeezing and stretching them to his enjoyment.
    +Almost seems vague. He's a minotaur raping you! Your tits should feel abused when he's done.

    I dunno. Maybe I'm reaching now. I feel like most of the bugs have been noticed and reported.

  20. I have no idea how you can say that dragonage 2 blows away part 1. u clearly have no idea what u are talking about.

    - The game is WAY smaller finished in 1/3 the time that dragonage 1 took.
    - No naked sex scenes.
    - Only 1 city.
    - Less weapons and armors.
    - No armor customisation for partymembers
    - chat interface is fucking boring as shit now.
    - I can go on for ages, just watch a few reviews by fans.

    -Only good thing, is maybe that the combat is a little more fast paced.

    who thinks if companies rate something high, that that makes the game acctually any good. is a giant faggot.

    its NOTHING compared to part 1, and its a fact proven by all the million poeple who acctually PLAYED part 1 who only gave it a 4/10.

    so don't give me that bullshit that it
    "Blows away part 1"

  21. Also,
    you can only pick 2 characters, female and male.

    and its mage/rogue/warrior. and they all look the fcking same.

    at least in part 1 u had a dozen of options who u wanted to be


    All I have to say everything else has been said.

  23. Man that's some butthurt going on Joey. I think DA2 must have anal raped you worse than the Minotaur. I don't mind one city, and nudity in bioware games doesn't matter to me, who faps to that shit anyway? I do dislike some of the repeating crap, but the game is way more fun to me. Playing the original felt like a chore at times, and stripping down the companion armor lets them look more unique, as well as making it easier to handle managing my inventory. I like the new chat interface, it lets my warden actually have a voice.

    Also it sounds to me like your accusing me of saying its good because some company game it good reviews, which is entirely untrue. I havent read any reviews from ANYONE, because I don't care what any of them say. If I enjoy the game I enjoy it, I don't need anyone else's opinion to tell me how I should feel about it. As for people bombing the metacritic score, I don't think most sane people care. It might scare a few die-hard DA1/oldschool RPG types away, but it won't matter at all to the average consumer.

    It looks nice, I enjoy the changes (though I understand many wish they hadn't made any), and the plot is pretty fun and engaging so far (midway through Act2).

    I hope I didn't come off of to much as an ass here, but I'm kind of sick and it's irritating to be told I'm a moron because my opinion happens to differ from yours.

  24. The game is actually very fun and has a very nice ending which I will keep my mouth shut about so keep the minotaur away from me.

    About the only problem that I had with the game was there was NO FREAKING TEMPLAR ARMOR!

    If there is I haven't found it yet.

  25. @Fenoxo

    Nah, im not being butthurt, but your comment on saying it "blew away Part1" was just irritating, because its untrue, i am playing the game myself aswell, i nearly finished it. but the constant re-use of areas, 1 city, and all the other things i mentioned above just makes the game feel extremely rushed.

    Like you said you 'could' see some of the things as improvements, like the armors and stuff. but thats a matter of opinion.

    I enjoy the game alot i never said i didn't or that it wasent any good. ist an extremely entertaining game, but it didnt 'blew away' part 1.

    also note: I didn't call you specificly a moron, i said people who judge a game by its ratings alone.

    thats all i was trying to say, dont get me wrong friend.

  26. @Joey doing every quest on DA1 took me about 30 hours to beat the game, doing every quest on DA2 took me about 30 hours to beat the game. Of course the game is smaller if you rush through it (not saying you did, I would just prefer you post how long each was).

    There were quite a few changes made, and most of them were for the better or not to your style of game, for example, you can hate the dialogue system, go ahead, I'm happy my guy has a voice, and I love those people who are shocked that you are shaping an existing character as opposed to making your own, that rarely happens.

    I am rally happy though that Bioware at least tries different things as opposed to making the same thing over and over.

    the game is by no means perfect, and there are a number of things in it that piss me off (fucking caves), but it is a great game that's not nearely as bad as people make it out to be.

    Finally, to those who say combat requires no tactics, stop playing on easy and normal.
