Saturday, September 3, 2011


1.  Wake up
2.  See gigantic Pile o' Donation (almost to goal).
3.  Sign up to go home early, vowing to self get all kinds of shit done today.
4.  Be on the verge of going home, then get stuck at work all 9 hours.
5.  Get stuck helping around the house because a clothes rack collapsed under the weight.
6.  Decide not to work on shit right now.
7.  Play vidjagames a few hours before bed or until motivation returns.


  1. Ouch... >.< I don't blame ya at all...

  2. The way I see it, people give donations for you to work. Not for you to work at a steady pace and with every bit of free time you have. This is so you *can* work on CoC. So you go right ahead, you take time off, and you don't feel guilty at all. Because, frankly, you've been earning it one way or another.

  3. ca you tell me where you work by the way? I'v always wonderd wheres a plach where you sign for going home early and not get it

  4. Man sometimes you need to take a little time to yourself that's coming from a writer

  5. Aw... Too bad Fen. Great to hear that you got a HUGE donation in cash from everyone, *lol*, and hope you feel better after several hours of rest and video game play after everything you said happened. :D

    Hey did you recently update the CoC dollmaker? I saw the new version of it on today, and I have to say its an improvement. *lol* Though there seems to be a bug glitch, if your character is a centaur, because if the save file has your characater as centaur, the characters entire body disappears out of the dollmaker, leaving behind only breasts/cock/head/bee wings/etc. while there's a big empty space where the body should be. *lol*

    Could someone PLEASE put the update for v.3.6.6 up on As much as having the dollmaker upgraded is, I'm dying to play the latest version of the game too.

  6. Haha, don't worry about taking your time Fen. The donation was in appreciation, not a "OMG WORK NOW" poke. The suggestion acceptance was icing on the cake for me ^_^
