Friday, May 27, 2011

Update 0.2.3 Out!

New build for the worm colony planned to be out for testing in stream in approx an hour. Hopefully I'll have something for release by 11CST or so.

Changelog 0.2.3:

*Made perks button disappear properly on new game.
*Fixed demon pack encounter to reduce vagina errors and prevent genderless players from encountering the rape scene.
*Fixed "vagina error" for non female players at the oasis sex-scene.
*It is now easier to gain a tail from canine peppers.
*Minotaur blood can now change your ears/face.
*New worms encounter available at the mountain, and totally avoidable if it grosses you out.
*f1-f5 quicksave to slots 1-5, f6-f10 quickload from slots 1-5.
*Obligatory typo fixes.

More awesome art from MoT!


  1. -I want to face fuck jojo and fill his stomach with worms!

    -Awesome encounter, btw, but is it encounterable as a female? I only seem to get it as a male.

  2. That pic reminds me...I have yet to run into Jojo...any tips on doing so? (where, what gender, etc)

  3. Jojo is in the forest, and you can encounter him in any gender, but get your corruption up.

  4. I hope not far off when a fix for the replacement of the same type items in the inventory (currently they are not replaced - in the 0.2.2 version)

  5. Parasites seems to stay when you lose your manhood.
    Unless I'm launching the infest attacks from my breasts or something,,

  6. "Vagina error" is going to become a regular part of my vocabulary now.

  7. @David
    How did you get that? I have the worms, but nothing extra appears in my skills.

  8. I'm Not Finding The Minotaur Anymore After I Said No To The Parasite Mural x.x

  9. >neko

    For example, loose couple of fights with an imp. There should be a little different results,,

  10. I know this is asking a lot but I'd really like to see the worm encounter be able to females as well. I got all giddy about it when you first talked about it and rushed to go to the mountains with my female to see how many creepy crawly bugs I could shove in her womb, only to find that they weren't interested in me in the slightest. =(

  11. Thanks, David. I'd also love to see this as a female encounter. Maybe infesting your Breast milk or living deep in your womb, ready to infest any cock that enters you. I'd love to see the minotaur's face as massive numbers of worms flood down his cock as he fucks you.

    On another note, I don't seem to be finding the Minotaur anymore since it threw me out of its cave.

  12. Quick load works fine but quick save seems to be out of order.

  13. The guy that wrote the worms but wrote it for penis only. If you guys wanna see some girly scenes Fen said last night in the stream he'd be happy to add them.

  14. I wonder if there will ever be a butt growth item?

  15. Montrel, you can increase your butt and hip size in the cock vine part of the corrupted glade in the forest. It's random, but just keep trying.

  16. -It says your testicles are hideously swollen and oversized in the rape text, but not in the appearance tab.

    -If you succumb to the worms during the desert demons fight, after they joke about your condition, it says, "You fall, defeated by the imp!"

  17. Yeah I know. Its just kinda discouraging when I'm trying to get the last butt growth upgrade that makes my character's butt so big that she has difficulty running and I've been at it for 3 or more hours with no luck.

  18. I found another way, Montrel. Keep getting the bee to put her eggs up your ass, and as you masturbate while they come out, your ass will grow.

  19. If there is to be a hard option, there should be a easy one too. I'm not saying the combat should be changed, just some small things, possibly no overdose or lost gems. Gj with the work.

  20. I have to say I love the game but the perk button seems pointless to me. If you have forgotten what perks you have, you probably also forgotten exactly what they do. So for example I can look and see that I have evasion and fertile but I still wouldn't know what they do. I suggest putting a single line description or even just the values they give next to each name.

  21. @Tantor - Your mom seems useless to me!

    ....I agree, it just takes me shoving the new system into the code, and for now I'm writing sex scenes so nyah.

  22. Got a question, when are you going to make an item for the slime to drop?

  23. While I like the worm infestation bit, I R now sad because now there is no imp or minotaur rape scenes. 'Taur just tosses me out his cave and imp just leads to non-descriptive 'black out' scene.

    Me want mino wape (sad face)

  24. Terribly sorry to ask, but I just don't know.
    How do i transfer saves from one game to another? (steps or link, anything is fine)

  25. Sam, if you are playing older than a couple of builds, you have to start over.

    Brian, after the female slime girl event is written and added.

  26. The Mountains will only lead you to rocks after getting the Worm event. Making the encounter with the Minotaur impossible.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.
