Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Arts & Thanks (Expect stream by 10PM CST 5/26)

I was going to stream, then I got home from dinner and there were kittens under my bed.  Two of em.   Craziness.  Now my carpet looks like I murdered someone under there >.<

I probably won't be streaming tonight as I'm more sleep deprived than I realized, and again, kittens, but if anything changes you guys will hear about it.

So Eligitine tossed me this pic today.  I came (not really, but it is GOOD).

Moar Jojo fanart from the fabulous MoT of Furaffinity!   There is a 3rd piece WIP, I don't know how far he plans to go with them but I can't wait to see the final result.
EDIT:  I'll be coding in a new monster tonight by 10PM, so I'll post up a link here when I do.  It's going to be parasite themed, so put on your blinders if that makes you go 'ick'.  No fear, there will be a way to disable it from appearing in the game once it's coded.   I can't tell you guys enough how grateful I am to be on the receiving end of the praise I get for this, so I just wanted to give you all a big
Thank you.
I'd have wandered on to other things long ago if it wasn't for the kind words, great art, and awesome writing you guys throw my way, and I can't get enough of it :D


  1. stream pictures of kitties? or add feline peppers :p

  2. Does the increased pregnancy chance affect the chance to get impregnated by the bee girl? Because if it doesn't it should.

  3. so what you plan on using to clean the carpet ?

  4. @MasemuneJM - I plan to use 'moving out'. There goes the security deposit!

  5. Is there a way to get balls without getting a horse dong?
