Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Short Stream Tonight (ITS OVER)

I'm crazy-ass tired though, so no promises on it lasting very long.   What will I be coding?  A hilarious and somewhat horribly fourth-wall-breaking event in the mountains to help keep new players from being bum-raped (and give them a bit of warning), written by Dxasmodeus (genderless tentacle event?  Yup, same writer).   More small tweaks to fix centaurs in existing sex scenes.   And then if I have energy I'll start on some of the other big submissions still clogging my email.

For those who missed it before:

I'll start taking them again in about a month, after I've had a chance to clear my backlog and get the farm update written/done.  I won't lie, my overall productivity has dropped due to vidjagames & an increased workload irl.   Mostly videogames though.  TEAM FORTRESS 2 (GIMME YER HATZ)!

I've also been framing up my next engine at work (or in the shower) and mentally slotting the pieces together.  I want to get it into a fairly functional framework for handling TF's with a few example events and items, and then release it, to see if people find it a bit more usable.  CoC I think is a victim of it's own complexity.

Here's the current nextGen 'Corruption Engine' to-do list:

  1. Create an array of 'creature' (my datatype used for players/monsters) to make for easy loading and storage of players, monsters, and potentially pets/camp followers.

  2. Create a system for queuing up a series of events.  This one is huge, and should let me handle looting multiple items from one combat and enable me to have events trigger off other events with MUCH more grace.

  3. Fully encapsulate the body-parts into the creature class (yay private variables!), and set up functions to return every specific value I'd need to check, with decent error-checking (and reporting) to prevent event-crashes when an unexpected bodytype goes down the wrong logic tree.

  4. Handle statuses/keyItems/perks in a slightly less retarded way.  My hasPerk() type functions are stupid and overly complex for what I need.

  5. Recode items to be in an array, so my item code doesn't have to have so much duplicate code.

  6. Improve text parsing to make using my randomized body-part descriptions less of a hassle.

  7. Document the key functions as I write them and create a short guide for each kind of event you could put into the game.

  8. I still wish I could teach myself XML, I think having some kind of event importer would make my job a lot easier, but ehhhhhh.

GAH!  You get the idea.  Anyways, I'm off to dinner, see you guys tonight!


  1. Is there going to be a new version tonight or just making progress, but won't be ready tonight?

  2. XML is just a way to structure data, in a purportedly human-readable format. That's all. "Serialization" isn't sexy but "XML" is, for reasons I can't fathom, as they're pretty closely related. Most of the jillions of books I've seen discussing XML are all about how to use the various parsers out there.

  3. @Dorkulon I really just want to be able to have people pre-code their submissions, and then just have to drop a file in and have it work :P

  4. As Dorkulon had mentioned, XML is actually quite simple. Coming up with inventive ways to utilize it is slightly more challenging. I'm currently developing an engine that uses xml for storing most of the static game data (items) and events so that they can be loaded dynamically at the start and easily modded. The biggest challenge so far is building the parser that can correctly identify everything I need. So once I get it fully working I'd be more than happy to let you know how to take advantage of XML.

  5. Just because something is simple doesn't mean I know it. I really need to take a week off work and just send the kids to a sitter and immerse myself in programming experiments. I have such a hard time pushing myself to learn new things nowadays.

  6. "to drop a file in and have it work"

    Sorry. Never gonna happen.

  7. @coolant

    Why not. in thoery if i was to program it, it would do this.

    First i would look up to see how many file were in the folder.

    I would than open up streams to the files to get the information i needed.

    Than i would store objects for the information needed and close the stream. If the item is called i just open up the stream again and add everything in the file in to the object.

    has xml tutorials
    and code pieces

  9. w3 is in the URL.

    w3 if i remember right stands for
    World Wide Web.
    With that in mind it's likely HTML based if i had to guess. But who ever wants to learn XML should take a look.

    I'm just randomly guessing things.
