Thursday, August 4, 2011

Moar Work? Zug zug!

Knocked out most of the smaller stuff on my backlog today:
-New high lactation tentacle event.
-Two new multicock scenes for beegirl rape (2x cocks & 5 or more cocks)
-New 'take it up the bum' scene for the factory's incubus.

EDIT: Uber Late-Nite Update:
-Bee girl has received numerous alterations to accommodate centaur characters (and typo fixes).  Thank my mystery helper.
-Dungeon has received a few bug fixes and typos as well.
-Tweaked cunt stretching text (it was missing text at the last change)
-Added anal stretching (love me furfags!)   (<3)

There may be some new bugs introduced due to me throwing so many new if-checks into the sex scenes, but I'm sure you guys will help me murderize them as they crop up.


  1. Aww, now I'm going to have to make a new character so I can go back to the factory.

  2. I had a sudden mental image of tentacles that lactate. I'm not sure whether that's good or bad.

  3. Is there any way to throw away items instead of just using them, and if not will you please include it in the next release?

  4. Man, it'd be nice if the enemies in the factory respawned over time or something.

    The factory's pretty much the highlight of the game right now and making it clearable only once per save seems kinda dumb. :/
