Monday, July 15, 2013


Site is down. I'm performing a number of further optimizations to get my host off my ass. When it comes back up, the forums will be down a few days. If all is well, I'll bring them back up. If they go down after that, I'll grab myself a new account and split the forums off.

Thanks again for the patience, I should be writing some tomorrow night, I hope.


  1. Is the site still down, because I have been getting the 403 Forbidden error message each time I try to get on it. And this has never happened before.

    1. Same here shame too hope things get sorted soon

  2. Hope you can find out what's wrong with the site, since I was just found out about this, and I wanted to tried it. Good Luck on what you're doing.

  3. Has someone reported the site for some stupid reason? Because at first it said 'error', now it’s saying the site is banned whenever I try and go on it...
    This might not be the reason, just thought I'd better mention it.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I just read about your host going out of business on your FurAffinity profile... I luckily have CoC & TiTS backed up, so I can still play those from my hard drive; is there any place that Fall of Eden can be played from other than
